Here are 6 locations throughout the world that are ideal for an exhilarating scuba diving experience. Do this water activity under the guidance of a certified scuba diver.

Barracuda Point

This area, which is close to Sipadan Island in Malaysia, is where you can find corals and barracuda fish famed for their tornado-like shape.

Tuamotu Archipelago

This archipelago in French Polynesia is home to places like Fakarva and Rangiroa, which provide the best underwater thrills for scuba enthusiasts.

Wolf and Darwin Islands

On the outskirts of Ecuador's Galapagos island is this magnificent location. Scuba divers might have an exhilarating encounter with hammerhead sharks there.


On renowned dive sites like the German Channel and Ulong Channel in Palau's barrier reef, divers can see magnificent schools of sharks, barracuda, jellyfish, and other pelagics.

Anemone City

Under the surface of the seas around the little Indonesian island of Alor, there is a vast field of anemones in a variety of sizes, colours, and shapes that are worth examining.

Richelieu Rock

Off Thailand's west coast is where this rocky area is located. Inside the reef, it protects a huge diversity of aquatic life.