Vitamin C, dietary fiber, iron, carotenoids, and antioxidants are all abundant in kiwi. Today, though, we'll discuss the drawbacks of eating kiwi.

Bleeding Disorder

Never consume it if you have a bleeding issue. Clotting may result from this. The situation could worsen in such a case.


Anyone with an allergy of any type shouldn't eat it at all. Kiwi should not be consumed at all if you feel like throwing up or have diarrhoea after eating it.


By consuming more kiwi, you run the danger of experiencing bodily edoema. Swelling in the body might result from a kiwi allergy.

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis can also result from consuming too many kiwis. The pancreas may enlarge as a result of this issue. Additionally, this results in abdominal ache.

Folic Acid

Kiwi is a rich source of folic acid, and doctors recommend folic acid supplements to expectant mothers.

Asthma and Autism

However, it can also result in problems like asthma and autism in an unborn child if consumed in excess.