Pooja Bhatt net worth is reported to be Rs 47 crore. She owns multiple flashy cars and opulent homes in Mumbai. She is 90's popular actress.
Jiya Shankar
Jiya's TV series Pishachini and Kaatelal & Sons have won her followers around. Her net worth is reported to be between Rs 2-3 crore.
Avinash had been absent from the small screen for some time until returning with Bigg Boss OTT 2. His net worth is estimated to be Rs 20 crore.
Elvish Yadav
Elvish Yadav, a YouTuber and social media sensation, was a wildcard entry in the competition last week and has won many hearts. His net worth is reported to be Rs 2 crores.
Aashika Bhatia
She is well-known for her trending social media reels and has a large social media following. Her estimated net worth is Rs 14 crore.
Jad Hadid
He is well-known in the house for his controversies. His net worth is reported to be in the range of Rs 10 crores. He is a foreign contestant in BB house.
Abhishek Malhan
Abhishek is another Bigg Boss OTT 2 YouTuber. When he first appeared on the show, he was the most voted for and popular contestant. His net worth is estimated to be Rs 2 crores.
Manisha Rani
Manisha is one of Bigg Boss OTT 2's most popular competitors. She is well-known for her amusing social media videos. Her net worth is estimated to be Rs 1 crore.