Animal, starring Sandeep Reddy Vanga and Ranbir Kapoor, is performing admirably at the box office. The movie keeps shattering records. Movie is all over the internet.
The movie is still doing really well. Twenty days have passed since the release of Ranbir Kapoor's movie, and it is still bringing in a healthy sum of money.
Let us inform you that on December 1st, this movie was launched. On its first day of release, the movie has already earned over Rs 76 crore.
Aside from this, on its first day, the movie took in Rs 116 crore globally. This movie is becoming well-known all around the world.
In terms of global box office, this movie has surpassed Rs. 843 crore. Thanks to strong box office results, this movie is now this year's sixth highest grossing film.
In terms of total earnings to date, Animal has made around Rs 225 crore. Fans seem to really enjoy this movie.