Ankita Lokhande was granted the authority to choose Abhishek Kumar's fate in the house by Bigg Boss following his latest incident in which he smacked Samarth Jurel.

After engaging in physical fight with Samarth Jurel, Abhishek Kumar was abruptly ordered to leave the Bigg Boss house as Ankita Lokhande decides to evict him.

He slapped Samarth Jurel hard in a previous episode after the latter tried to irritate him during a brawl. The creators have since released a fresh teaser trailer.

Ankita is a captain of the house that demonstrated that Ankita Lokhande, the house captain, had the last say over whether Abhishek would remain in the house.

Then, Abhishek is seen pleading with Bigg Boss not to let him quit the game. Bigg Boss declares that Ankita is the captain so the captain's choice is final.

At the conclusion, he is seen saying goodbye with emotion to the other participants as he gets ready to leave the home. Ayesha Khan and Mannara Chopra were both spotted crying.