On January 20, Vedshaala's documentary series "The Battle of Ayodhya" will premiere on YouTube. Its foundation is the hotly debated Ram Mandir and Babri Masjid case.

The documentary series is being produced just in time for the nation to wait for the opening of Ram Mandir. The entire issue represents a crucial period in India's past.

As a platform that uses its material to help young people today take a resilient approach to today's difficulties by connecting them with the wisdom of the Vedas and its ancient Indian roots.

Kushal Srivastava, who is also one of the producers of the docuseries, directed the series, which has a distinct fondness for the case's history and was produced by Sarit Agarwal.

Additionally, Shikha Raju Srivastava is a co-producer. Antara Srivastava has led the docuseries' creative direction, and Rahul Kapoor has assisted as the show's executive producer.

The Ayodhya Ram Temple and Babri Mosque issue is examined in the documentary series in an unbiased and most objective way possible. Its creation required in-depth analysis and viewpoints.