BHU Admission 2021 NTA extended the application If you are looking for UG Entrance Test (UET) 2021 or PG Entrance Test in Banaras Hindu University (BHU) entrance examinations are conducted for admission to various Under-Graduate or Post-Graduate courses during the academic year 2021-22 (PET) 2021, this news is for you. The National Testing Agency (NTA), which conducts BHU UET and PET, has extended the last date of application to 12 September 2021. The agency issued notices related to the extension on the last date of both the examinations ending on Monday, 6 September.
Correction in the application till September 15
NTA has also extended the date of payment of the examination fee prescribed at the time of application for BHU UET 2021 and PET 2021 from September 7 to September 13. Candidates will be able to pay the exam fee through an online medium. Apart from this, the date of closing the application window for correction or correction in the online application submitted by the agency has also been extended from September 12 to September 15, 2021.
Candidates desirous of applying for BHU Admission 2021 can apply through the respective online application form provided at bhuet.nta.nic.in, a portal for UG-PG admissions maintained by National Testing Agency (NTA). Candidates should read the information bulletin given on the examination portal carefully before applying.
According to an earlier notice issued by NTA on UET 2021 and PET 2021 under BHU Admission 2021, the date of conduct of both the entrance examinations will be announced later on the examination portal itself. The entrance examinations may be conducted in CBT (Computer Based Test) mode / Hybrid (Tablet) / Pen and Paper mode as required.