While our ancestors had a wide range of religious beliefs, they always tied them back to God rather than providing the scientific basis for those beliefs. The modern generation dismisses it by characterizing some of its practices as “superstitious beliefs,” although they are not a reality. As time progressed, some beliefs became superstitious and some are still practiced today by people who are unaware of their true significance. Did you know that there are a number of things that some individuals will not do on Thursday because they are considered to be absolute no-nos? One of these is a haircut on Thursday.
Importance of Thursday
Thursday, also known as Veerwaar or Brihaspati-war, is a day devoted to Guru Brihaspati, who ruled the planet Jupiter and had an impact on our learning experiences throughout life. In order to honor the Guru or the teacher, you are prohibited from performing certain activities on this day.
The same as it happens in most religions and societies, some beliefs are promoted when a set of tragic events occur after someone commits one of the prohibited acts, and the belief becomes firmly entrenched in the public’s consciousness and ethos.
The majority of what our ancestors taught and practiced, on the other hand, can be explained scientifically. For example, the behavior of leaving one’s footwear outside the house is not acceptable. Now, according to scientists, footwear increases the likelihood of a million microorganisms entering our home and causing infection, particularly in individuals with weak or underdeveloped immune systems, such as the elderly, the infirm, and infants.
Washing one’s feet and hands when one returns from the outside, not bathing immediately after eating food, and not eating certain gas-forming foods at night, among other things, were all influenced by a scientific mindset. In ancient times, it was easier to incorporate them into people’s practices by citing religion rather than science to do so.
Let’s take a look at some of the causes or fallacies behind why there will be no haircut on Thursday.
Can we do haircut on Thursday?
Even today, elders advise us to avoid getting a haircut or a shave on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Tuesdays. It is claimed that the planets emit specific types of radiation on specific days of the week. We should avoid exposure to these rays because they can damage our health and well-being.
Humans have been endowed with intelligence. The brain is the most essential organ in our bodies. The mid-section of our skull is extremely delicate and sensitive in nature. The hair on this portion of our head serves to protect it. It is for this reason that nature has provided us with hair on our heads. Those who shave or trim their hair on Saturday, Thursday, and Tuesday will be subjected to the direct effects of these rays on their heads. In order to avoid getting a haircut or shaving on specific days, religious literature and sages have advised against it.
What astrology says about a haircut on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday?
Thursday is the day of Jupiter, the planet of prosperity, knowledge, and procreation. Jupiter is also the planet of procreation. Thursday is considered by many sages to be the day of Lakshmi. If one gets his or her hair cut on Thursday, he or she may have to deal with financial difficulties, procreational difficulties, and a decline in intelligence levels.
Cutting one’s hair on Tuesday, according to religious sources, can cause one’s age to be decreased by eight months. Tuesday is the day of Mars in astrology, according to the zodiac. Mars is found in the blood of our bodies, and blood is the source of hair growth. Haircutting on Tuesday raises the likelihood of contracting a blood disorder.
Saturn’s day is Saturday. Saturn is also a planet that enhances the length of one’s life. This planet is also linked to the skin of humans in another way. As a result, cutting hair on Saturday has a significant impact on the aforementioned factors. Shaving or trimming one’s hair on Saturday is said to reduce one’s life by about seven months.
There are a variety of reasons why hair and nail trimming are not performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Participating in these kinds of activities these days can have a bad impact on our physical health. Some ideas and practices are mentioned in religious books and scriptures, and they are all important. The people who lived in the past possessed an extensive understanding of our thoughts and bodies. Various principles in Ayurveda, Astrology and other disciplines have been developed to assist ordinary people in leading spiritually enlightened lives.
In Hinduism and usually in India, individuals avoid having their hair cut on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays due to a variety of cultural and religious beliefs. It is an ancient tradition that has been followed since the beginning of time. There aren’t many pieces of evidence in religious scriptures, tales, myths, and stories to support this, but it is a custom that plays an important role in our cultural heritage and tradition. People who worship Goddess Lakshmi, Maa Durga, and Hanuman refrain from cutting their hair as a method of showing their respect to them.
Because of this, getting a haircut on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is forbidden in order to avoid being exposed to the aforementioned risks.