Having a good night’s sleep can make you stronger and healthier. It does wonders for your immunity, which, as you know, is necessary to fight the novel coronavirus, or any other virus for that matter.

A good night’s sleep is really important, haven’t we all heard that again and again? But exactly how important is it? Can sleeping for 7-8 hours daily save you from regular ailments and boost your immunity? However, the pressing question at the moment is, can it help protect you from the novel coronavirus?

There have been a lot of studies trying to decipher the relationship between sleep, immunity and ultimately, protection from Covid-19. To get some answers for all these questions, IndiaToday.in spoke to Dr Jigar Haria, professor of Internal Medicine at Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College, Dr Prerana Gupta, professor of Psychiatry at Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College, Dr Sandeep Nayar Senior Director and HOD Chest and Respiratory Diseases at BL Kapoor Hospital and Dr Jasvir Singh, ENT at Sri Ganga Ram City Hospital.


Dr Haria and Dr Gupta mentioned, “Sleep is a biological necessity for the body rather than a luxury. During sleep, the body recharges, repairs its damages, grows at the tissue level and also organises newly learnt information. Sleep and the circadian system exert a strong regulatory influence on immune functions. Investigations of the normal sleep-wake cycle showed that immune parameters like numbers of undifferentiated T-cells (akin to body’s soldiers) and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (akin to body’s weaponry) exhibit peaks during sleep, whereas, circulating numbers of immune cells like cytotoxic natural killer cells, as well as anti-inflammatory cytokine activity peak during daytime wakefulness. So inadequate sleep compromises the body’s defences and increases the risk of severe disease. Also, Covid-19 can cause poor sleep due to the symptoms, stress, anxiety and again compromise our immunity.”

Dr Nayar mentioned, “Do not compromise on sleep. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours daily. It is the best way to help your body build immunity. In case you don’t sleep enough, you will feel tired as it impairs your brain activity. The lack of sleep will prevent the body from resting and rejuvenating itself. This will impair other body functions that will have a direct impact on your immunity. Though at the same time, sleeping in excess is also not recommended.”

Dr Singh added to this and said, “The toxins of our body get neutralised in sleep and give lots of neurotransmitters, which relaxes our body and mind.”

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Dr Nayar mentioned, “Won’t say that sleeping less will predispose you to contract coronavirus but definitely it will lower your immunity and in case you contract Covid-19, then chances of having the severe form are higher. Of course, one may say that indirectly it may result in higher incidence if one is lethargic and sleepy due to lack of sleep, then he may not follow all the necessary precautions and may commit mistakes by not wearing the mask properly or even washing hands thoroughly, etc.”

Dr Gupta and Dr Haria agreed. They said, “Adequate sleep of 7-8 hours is essential for rejuvenating our immune system and strengthening it. So those who do not give the body that much time to build its defences are at risk of more severe a disease. The risk of contracting, however, is the same but once infected, risk of severity is higher.


Dr Singh firmly told us that this is true. “Definitely, the person not taking full sleep and rest is more susceptible to diseases.”

Dr Haria and Dr Gupta said, “Less sleep results in poor immunity. So there are higher chances of falling ill. Poor sleep has also been recognised as a risk factor for cardiac diseases.”

Dr Nayar added to this, “As lack of sleep does impair our immunity, one is more prone to getting infections including respiratory illnesses, cold and other diseases.”


Dr Haria and Dr Gupta said, “Sleeping more is also deleterious for the body. Oversleeping is linked to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, headaches, backaches through medical research.”

Dr Singh confirmed this, “Sleeping more than required makes you lethargic and decreases the metabolism. This results in the accumulation of toxins in the body, making it prone to diseases.”

Dr Nayar also agreed. He said, “Excessive sleepiness can be a sign of several different medical issues. And getting too much sleep can even lead to health risks. Too much of sleep could be due to thyroid problem, heart disease, sleep apnea, depression or maybe due to side effects of certain medications which one might be taking. Excessive sleep can result in anxiety, low energy, memory problem, headaches, obesity, diabetes, back pain, depression and heart disease. Excessive sleepiness may also predispose for roadside accidents as it reduces alertness.”


Dr Haria and Dr Gupta told us, “Contracting Covid-19 virus mainly depends on exposure to the novel virus from an infected individual who sheds it in respiratory secretions which get thrown out during talking, coughing, sneezing, etc. So masks are extremely important for everyone.”

They added, “The severity of the disease depends on the body’s defence against the virus; that is, our immune system and also on the viral load/inoculum. The higher the viral load and weaker the immunity, more is the risk of severe disease. Hence, individuals with conditions like diabetes, cancer, who have weakened immunity, have a risk of severe Covid-19.”

Dr Nayar said, “There are a number of factors such as poor hand hygiene, lack of social distance, not wearing a mask at public places and frequent touching your face without disinfecting which results in contraction of Covid-19. However, the severity of symptoms varies in different patients. Some of them may be totally asymptomatic and others may be so sick that they are admitted to intensive care units. It’s not just viral load and early treatment that decide the severity of symptoms, but it also depends on the immunity status of the patients. Individuals having certain pre-existing illnesses like diabetes, respiratory problems or hypertension and cardiovascular diseases are at a higher risk of having Covid-19 complications. It also aggravates with age as the general immunity reduces as you get older. In the younger generation with no underlying illnesses, Covid-19 can result in a minor infection, provided they have a robust immunity and do not engage in activities like smoking or any other addictions.”

Dr Singh also agreed with them.


Dr Singh told us that immunity can be improved by consuming a high protein diet, Vitamin C and zinc. Physical exercise is also important and positive thinking is a must.

Dr Haria and Dr Gupta said, “Immunity is strengthened by healthy lifestyle practices like consuming a healthy diet, regular exercise, yoga, meditation, good sleep.”

Dr Nayar added to this. He said, “Diet plays a key role in determining your overall health and immunity. Eat low carbohydrate diets, focus on a protein-rich diet to keep you in good shape. Consume vegetables and fruits rich in Beta carotene, ascorbic acid and other essential vitamins. Drink up to 8-10 glasses of water every day, to stay hydrated. A good diet should be followed by routine exercise. Even light exercise is beneficial. Try to destress yourself by meditation or performing yoga. One must sleep for at least 7-8 hours to relax and rejuvenate yourself.”

So there you have it, sleeping less or more than 7-8 hours can do severe harm to your body. Take a good night’s rest and make yourself stronger.



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