Olive Oil For Diabetes: Top Reasons To Use Olive Oil For Cooking, Salad Dressing...

Cooking oil for diabetes: A study found that following the Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil can help in reducing blood sugar levels...

Weight Loss: Beware! Adding This To Your Salad Will Not Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss tips: Is salad a common part of your weight loss diet? Salads are extremely healthy but you need to take care of...
Johnson & Johnson vaccine

Johnson & Johnson vaccine is safe and effective : FDA

The US regulatory body FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has found in its investigation that the Johnson & Johnson Company's Corona vaccine is safe...

Sugar Cravings: Our Expert Suggests The Simplest Hack To Beat Them Effectively

Sugar cravings: Did you know? When your body is craving sugar, it may actually be because it is asking for protein? Nutritionist Pooja Makhija...

Nutritionist Shares Top 5 Health Benefits Of Eating Seasonal Food

Seasonal fruits and vegetables that naturally ripen in the sun are fresher, taste better and have the highest amount of nutrition, antioxidants and phytonutrients.Changing...

Death toll from Corona in America crosses 5 lakh, 5 days mourning

President Joe Biden addressed the country when the number of deaths from Covid-19 in the US crossed five lakh. America has the highest number...

Skipping Exercise Too Often? Here’s What Happens To Your Body If You Don’t Exercise

Exercise is extremely important for your body and overall health. Due to laziness or busy schedule you might be skipping exercise on regular basis....

This Stretching Routine In Your Warm Up Is All You Need To Be More...

Stretching routine for flexibility: A 15-20 minutes of warm up before your workout can help in reducing stress on your joints and tendons. Well-lubricated...

Notice on petition to declare Covishield unsafe

AstraZeneca, on the adverse effects of the Coronavirus vaccine Covishield. The Madras High Court has issued a notice to the Central Government,According to The...

PMS Symptoms: Learn How Intermittent Fasting Can Help In Easing PMS, From An Expert

PMS symptoms: Doing intermittent fasting on the days of PMS can bring down bloating, a common symptom of PMS, significantly. Dr Siddhant Bhargava explains...
Many Varieties Of Salt

How Many Varieties Of Salt Do You Have? Expert Asks To Have At Least...

Including a variety of salts in diet can help in maintaining electrolyte balance, reducing cramping and bloating, and preventing indigestion. Know more details here. Salt...
Guarantee Zero Diabetes

Low Bodyweight Doesn’t Guarantee Zero Diabetes Risk: Expert Tells How You Can Check Your...

Diabetes: Several factors are responsible for an increased risk of type-2 diabetes. Here is one popular myth about type-2 diabetes risk busted by expert. Several...

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