There are many cases of Delta variant coming to the fore in the country but now the Delta Plus variant is also coming to the fore. So far 22 infected patients have been found in the country, out of which 16 cases are in two districts alone. In a press conference on Tuesday, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan told that Delta Plus has been found in 10 countries of the world so far.
In India, 16 cases have been found in Ratnagiri and Jalgaon. While other cases are in Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. While issuing advisory to these states, the Health Ministry has asked what kind of work to be done regarding the Delta Plus variant. Along with increasing the investigation at the ground level, the states have been asked to emphasize on surveillance.
He has clearly stated that the government does not want to promote this variant. Therefore, instructions were given to the states to work seriously on this. So far 45 thousand samples have been sequenced in the country. This sequencing is being done in 28 labs of the country. He told that Delta Plus is derived from the Delta variant itself.
The secretary said that mutations are being seen in the corona virus but the methods to avoid them are the same. These can be avoided by staying away from the crowd, wearing a mask and washing hands frequently. Therefore, it is very important for the people now that the Kovid Vigilance Rules should be followed.
Delta Plus variant of Corona also found in Nepal
Along with India, the Delta Plus variant of the corona virus has also been found in Nepal. This has been confirmed in 9 out of 48 samples that came from Kathmandu for Delhi genome sequencing. In collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), samples are continuously being sent from Nepal to Delhi for genome sequencing. Experts from the IGIB Institute in New Delhi are doing genome sequencing of these samples.
Confirmed in 9
Out of 48 samples that came to Delhi from Kathmandu, IGIB said that on June 9, 48 samples were received for sequencing. During this, the Delta Plus variant has been found in nine samples. While the delta variant has been identified in 47 out of 48 samples. The Health Ministry of Nepal has also issued an alert regarding this because the situation of the second wave in India is in everyone’s knowledge. All the affected countries of the world including Nepal, UK, US have been alerted by the presence of the delta.
21 cases of Delta Plus variant reported in Maharashtra
Mumbai. There is a steady increase in the number of dangerous Delta Plus variants in the financial capital of the country. On Monday, 21 cases of the Delta Plus variant were reported in Maharashtra. Experts have expressed serious concern about this.
State Health Minister Rajesh Tope said that 7 thousand 500 samples were taken from across the state since May 15 till now to test the new Delta Plus variant of Corona. Out of which 21 cases of Delta Plus variant have been reported so far. The new cases found include 9 in Ratnagiri, 7 in Jalgaon, 2 in Mumbai, 1 in Palghar, 1 in Sindhudurg and 1 in Thane. Health information of these patients is being collected.