Increase 4G speed
 Increase 4G speed

The picture of 4G in India has changed after the arrival of Jio. Now, 4G is being transported from village to village. After Jio, Airtel, Vodafone, now BSNL has also joined it. BSNL has rolled out 4G in many areas. Very big changes can be seen in the case of 4G in India 5 years ago and today. However, users are still worried about internet speed. Jio or Airtel, despite being India’s top companies, it has not been able to provide the services that users are expecting. Users have a lot of data available, but the speed is there to use that data, So what should anyone do with that data? What is the reason that India is still behind in terms of 4G speed compared to many other countries? In this post, we will try to know what can be the reason behind the slow speed of 4G and what tips can be improved a little by following it.

Why is there slow 4G speed in India? One reason for this may be covered. Internet speed is based on signal coverage. According to earlier, 4G coverage has definitely increased, but currently, there is no such company in India, which can fix it completely. After Jio’s entry into the telecom market, the focus of all companies has increased more on the price of plans. In addition, network capacity may also be one of the reasons. If the network is made of optical fiber instead of copper cable, then the network speed is more likely to be fast. Jio is better than the rest of the networks in this case because it has the largest optical fiber network. After this comes Airtel. Jio is ahead of other companies in this matter.


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