We are so full of ourselves and our story that we miss life…miss happiness…!!
Existence needs space…space is where ecstasy can blossom…we are full of thoughts…past and future…we are living a mind identified…a mind obsessed life….we need to empty the cup…the cup is overflowing….!!
You need to realize deeply that you are not your thoughts…you are the awareness behind the thoughts…you are the space where thoughts arise…you are the presence which is the witness…but you are so full of memory, imagination that you forget to look deep within.
If you are self-obsessed and constantly think of yourself only….then you are an ego trip…the reality is that you do not exist…you are emptiness and emptiness is holiness….you are the divine in human form…realize your godhood…reclaim your birthright…
In this information age we are flooded with content…from the media, the internet, movies…all trying to prove their own point and validity…they create a mass hypnosis and hysteria which makes people forget their potential and run after and seek media to realize their identities…
You need to break away from this distorted image-making culture and wrong conditioning….only then will you get wings to fly and soar into the unlimited enormity of the universe….and reach internal bliss..
Empty the cup means….clean off all the mess and garbage you are full of…the prejudices, the judgments, the complexes, the politics…everything…empty the cup till you become totally empty…so that you can create space and the divine can enter and enlighten your being…
Emptiness is holiness…the universe is mostly empty and to be happy and joyous we need to be empty too…only then will we be in tune with the music of the universe…the more empty you become…the happier and more joyous you will become…emptiness is the key to happiness…
True meditation is possible only when you are empty…you can then connect with the cosmic consciousness and universal intelligence and expand into infinity….
God is at your door knocking away…but your room is so filled up that you don’t even hear the knocking…empty your eyes….empty your mind…become pure space and the doors will open and God-the universal intelligence will enter your being…
The universe is playing divine music …a cosmic dance is taking place….can you hear the music…come join the dance…you are invited…everyone is invited…only in silence and emptiness can you become one with the whole…one with the all…!!