The more you give the more you receive many times over…this is the universal law…but don’t give with expectations…don’t give to get something…give to share….give to contribute…be a light unto yourself and enlighten others with your light…the light of love…

Everything in nature contributes, shares and assists in the growth of consciousness…in the evolution of consciousness…GIVING AND RECEIVING

Mother earth nurtures us…gives food and soil and water….the consciousness of the universe enlighten the consciousness of each being…each individual…

The sun rises daily and showers us with sunlight without which life would not be possible…it expects nothing…it knows only the language of giving…

When we are children we share a natural phenomenon. But as we grow up we forget about sharing and get entangled in the race to accumulate more and more…learn from children how to live, love share and contribute….children are the greatest masters…

Existence is showering bliss…the question is are you open to the existential exuberance….the divine shower of joy and happiness….open up…be present…appreciate abundance…be grateful to existence for all it has provided you with…gratitude multiplies your bliss and enlightens the lamp of awakening

Give…give all..give everything…Rumi says  “gamble everything for love….if you are a true human being or else leave the gathering…”….surrender totally…in the world of love losers are the biggest winners…

Lose everything and you will gain more than everything….become nothing and you will become everything…you will receive many times multiplied as what you gave…that the law of nature…that is the truth…

Rumi says   “be melting snow….wash yourself of yourself..”…deny yourself…you are not important…you do not exist…Eckhart Tolle says… “life is the dancer and you are the dance”…..don’t take life too seriously…nobody gets out alive anyways…!!

Giving is rewarding….giving is receiving…sharing and contribution expands the existential consciousness….you become one…you become all….you become nothing…you become everything….!!

Share and give and this will enrich your being with joy and bliss….happiness will no longer be elusive….you will become living breathing pulsating vibrating happiness….there will be no more boundaries… as you are now you are a drop in the ocean …give, share, contribute and you will become the ocean in the drop…

Happiness is yours for the taking…meditate ….and joy and ecstasy will bubble out of your heart…the lamp of your heart will enlighten the entire world….the entire existence…!!



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