


Many individuals are unaware that swimwear might benefit from specific care. Furthermore, it is usual for consumers to ignore or neglect the washing and care directions on the inside tags. This almost usually causes disappointment and/or discontent in the wearer. It is essential to understand that regardless of how much you paid for your swimsuit, taking proper care of it will ensure that you have clean, colorful, and gorgeous swimwear for many years.

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How to Make Your Swimsuit Last a Longer Time

With beach season fast approaching, Real Simple turned to experts for advice on how to get the most use and performance out of your swimwear this summer—and hopefully for many more summers to come.

  1. Don’t use Chlorine

Chlorine should be avoided. Chlorine is a caustic component of bleach that kills germs but also fades colors and destroys threads in some materials. Even though that pool water contains less chlorine than laundry bleach, it will deteriorate the integrity of your suit.

  1. Stay away from abrasive surfaces

Rough or jagged edges grab and abrade, just like any other piece of clothing. Keep in mind where you sit, lean, or lay, as it’s easy to forget that these surfaces are rubbing on the fabric, causing damage to the previously smooth and luscious texture you bought.

  1. Excessive lotions and oils should not be used on your swimwear

Sunscreen, tanning oils, and cosmetics may wreak havoc on sensitive fabrics. Discoloration and degradation occur as a result of exposure. These compounds react negatively with the synthetic material used in swimsuits, causing stains that spread over time and cause the fabric to break down.

  1. After each use, rinse your swimwear in cold water

Even if you’re in a hurry, a rinse is preferable to nothing. Its purpose is to remove dangerous elements such as chlorine, oils, and even bacteria from the cloth before they can embed themselves deeper. You can even put it in a cold shower with it.

  1. Your swimwear should be washed by hand

Even a light cycle utilizes heat and tumble, so electric machines are convenient. The cloth will wear out, losing its integrity, form, cushioning, and tiny embellishments. For sensitive fabrics, you should use soft wash detergent. Regular detergent is excessively harsh and causes fading and degradation. Bleach and moisturizers should be avoided.

Final Tips 
  • Take a break and cool off in the shade or under an umbrella if you plan to be out in the sun for an extended time.
  • Shop wisely. The resilience of different types of fabric to degrading agents varies.
  • Not just chlorine, but also heat and twisting are two of the most common causes of damage.
  • Even if you don’t go in the water, rinse your swimsuit after each usage.

Follow these above-mentioned tips to keep your swimwear intact for a longer time.







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