JEE Advanced 2021 , an entrance exam for the selection of candidates for admission to various UG courses in prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) across the country during the academic year 2021-22, is scheduled across the country on Sunday, 3 October 2021. conducted at various examination centers. The exam was conducted in two shifts of three hours each, which started at 9 am and 2.30 pm. While the paper 1 exam conducted in the morning shift was considered difficult by the candidates, especially the Maths section, on the other hand, the paper 2 in the afternoon shift was considered by the candidates to be of moderate difficulty level as compared to the paper 1. However, the second paper is considered by the candidates less than the first.
Response sheet, answer key and result dates
After the conduct of JEE Advanced 2021 exam, its results are to be announced by IIT Kharagpur. Under this, the copy of the response sheet attempted by the candidates for both the papers will be made available for download by the institute tomorrow, October 5, 2021 from 5 pm onwards. Candidates will be able to download the copy of their JEE Advanced 2021 response sheet by logging in to the examination portal, jeeadv.ac.in. Thereafter, the official but provisional answer key of JEE Advanced 2021 exam will be released by the institute on Sunday, 10 October 2021 at 10 AM. Simultaneously, candidates will be given an opportunity to raise objections to the provisional answer key, the last date of which is October 11 at 5 pm. After reviewing these objections, the final answer key of JEE Advanced 2021 will be released by IIT Kharagpur on 15 October 2021. With this,