Each of us are born with tremendous potential…tremendous possibility…life is a miracle…you are a miracle….but it is sad that most of die without realizing our true nature…our true potential…
When you want flowers…you sow the seed in fertile land, water it, give it sunlight and manure, protect it and one day the seed sprouts and a sapling is born……and one day the seed transforms into flowers and enlightens existence…This is the law of flowering.
You have to sow the seeds of love in your heart…nurture them, protect it and give it the sunlight of awareness and consciousness….and one day a lotus will bloom…a rose will blossom…
We are born as seeds…we need to awaken from the slumber of daily drudgery and look into life deeper…only then will we able to discover our potential and flower like roses and sunflowers…
God has already planted the seeds of love in your heart…..you need to care for it and remove the blockages so that your potential can flower…in a sense your work is negative….you need to remove the blockages and seed will sprout and one day flower…
The blockages are prejudice, fixed ideas, preconceived notions….all the garbage we have collected from society all throughout our lives….we need to throw away this garbage….and be free of unnecessary garbage
Human life is a miracle and a privilege…you don’t deserve a human birth…you have been gifted one and that’s why you need to value it and understand its worth…
You were born a seed and then society started working on you….and through layers and layers of conditioning…destroyed your innocence…made you cunning and self-centered….and you lost the art of happiness…
You need to reclaim your life….you were born free…be in the world…but don’t be of the world…be objective, detached and nurture your uniqueness…
Each seed is different…you can have a seed of a rose turn out to flower into a Lille…and that is the basic mistake we have committed…forcing and suppressing the original nature and uniqueness…and this kills the soul of the individual…
You need to understand the seed and nurture it so that it flowers into its own uniqueness….don’t force…don’t suppress…let life take its own course….if society does not interfere….one day the river will reach the ocean…and will become the ocean.
- You have to sow the seeds of love in your heart…nurture them, protect it and give it the sunlight of awareness and consciousness
- You need to reclaim your life….you were born free…be in the world…but don’t be of the world…be objective, detached and nurture your uniqueness…
- Human life is a miracle and a privilege…you don’t deserve a human birth…you have been gifted one and that’s why you need to value it and understand its worth