Leadership: Some Thoughts About Greatness
Leadership: Some Thoughts About Greatness

Leadership is an art and a way to make your followers follow a great path to success. Jignesh Barasara says that some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness inbuilt in them since birth.


As many great leaders have said,

‘A great leader is not the one who does great things. But a great leader is the one who lets other people do great things because of him or her.’ While Shakespeare also said that some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


The two aspects of leadership and greatness are correlated with one another. To be born great is backed up at two possible meanings that are,


– To be at a great position such as a hereditary monarch, or

– Having natural talents or exceptional virtues.


It is pretty clear that only a few ones have it all! A great leader is born to be positioned with great qualities and help to imbibe them in other employees. While some may be god-gifted individuals to work as leaders, and while the others have to learn the traits of leadership to become one! Having been said that, there are many individuals who are born as great leaders and they exercise their leadership enough to come at a certain level. Yes, it is difficult to understand how they will be promoted! It is hard to judge the kingship that is many times inherited by the strong army.


Perhaps, turn into a great leader it takes a trajectory of a carrier. One needs to be learned and should never let education become a barrier. Learning is not stoppable at any given point in time!


There are so many supreme examples of people who have worked hard and become an ultimate self-made leader. It takes boundless greatness to do multiple efforts. It’s not always about being privileged. Sometimes, when you don’t have enough resources or you are not privileged enough, people back it with infinite opportunities, and with great luck! It is also said that national leaders are aware of their capabilities and know-how to exploit luck.


There are many people who are good at achieving their objectives. Do you know what is a common trait in these people? yes, they are ambitious and they have the skills, strong willpower to achieve better than anybody else. These people are not afraid to accept new challenges on the way. The greatness is thrust upon them and they work even against the odds.


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