What is Stress?….stress is a resistance…a rigidity…a persistence…a blockage…stress means that you are not flowing with life…it means you are trying to swim upstream….you are trying to go against nature…obviously, you cannot survive for long…
Life is full of mountains and valleys…ups and downs…lows and highs…life is a flux…it keeps on changing…change is a constant…but to be stable always is what is maturity….what is stability…what is stillness and serenity…
You get stressed because you have an exaggerated ego…you think too much of your self and the truth is that you do not exist…like Eckhart Tolle says “life is the dancer and you are the dance..”….so if you empty yourself of all the garbage you have accumulated.. you will finish off with all the stress in your life
You are stressed because you think you are a limited identity and you have to protect yourself and succeed in the competition of life….this is the thought which makes you stressed..
The moment you lose yourself all the stress in your life vanishes…there can be no stress in emptiness….stop thinking about yourself….life is not about selfish accumulation…life is about selfless contribution.
The root of stress is your ego…stress is not caused by something out there…it is caused by something in you….your resistance…your rigidity…your ego….if there is no ego…the stress will come and go…you will not hang on to it…you will live moment to moment and life will blossom in the present
Be totally a void….when you are empty….you are holy….become transparent…become invisible and let life flow through you…there will be no room for stress as there is no one home….stress will come….stress will go….but you will be a witnessing presence having a birds eye view of your life..
Life is difficult…but if you develop your independent will…you will be able to respond to life…instead of reacting to life…you will become response-able….able to respond….you will have the freedom to choose your response to life…and this is the key to happiness…
We all want to be always happy…none of us want stress…we want a smooth flowery life…but life has its own intelligence…it has its own ways….as they say “man proposes and God disposes”….so man is not in control of his life…but he can be in control of hi reactions…that is because he has the freedom to choose…
Choose today to be free of reactions, past-future and the ego…you will then live an authentic human life…a life of laughter, joy and happiness…life is not meant to be survived….you are meant to thrive in life…it is a great opportunity to explore, mature develop and die before you die…value this opportunity…die each moment to live each moment and you will rediscover authentic freedom and happiness