Money and Spirituality
All our lives we are running after money….money has become an obsession….we walk …talk…breathe money….we are not satisfied with what we want…we want more and more….a person’s success is also judged by the amount of money he has…but the question is does money give happiness…?
Money can give comfort and security…both of which are very important for survival…but as far as happiness is concerned…happiness is an attitude…a way of life and money has nothing to do with happiness..
Money is energy…the more money we have the more full we feel…but this fullness is of the ego…of the pseudo self…it has nothing to do with your being…
If you live a life of indulgence money can give you many different experiences but if you want joy, bliss and happiness you need to go deeper into life and touch the depths of existence…
Treat money as a resource. Make money but don’t become obsessed with it….it is energy and use the energy to enlighten the universe…enlighten existence…!!
Money as an aim of life is just wrong social conditioning…popular media and society tells us that money and more money is the goal of life…so deautomise yourself…uncondition yourself….be free from the chains of conditioning and life a life of freedom and happiness…
Money is meant to be used but not to be thought about…when money brings arrogance then it turns ugly…because then you carry your money in your head wherever you go…that is unnatural…that is egoistical…
Earn well…thrive in the world…that is great…that is wonderful…that is brilliant…but don’t lead the money pollute your soul…love, surrender, gratitude, devotion, joy are the real jewels…don’t exchange the real jewels for pieces of paper…
Use the energy of money for sharing and caring, appreciating and contributing…go into creativity…use your money to create newness…use your money to help others…the more you give the more you get multiplied many times …that is a universal law…
The money will not give you happiness…but money will open up more doors …more opportunities to experience joy and happiness….you will be able to expand more…be more…become more…but don’t forget the primary goal of life is the expansion of consciousness and dissolution of the ego…
Don’t let money become an obsession…use it but don’t let it use you…be objective….have gratitude for the money energy you have received from the universe…give, share, contribute and doors to joy…the doors to happiness will open up in front of you…!!