North Korea has stated this Saturday that it is suspending and stopping its long-range missile tests and to close its nuclear test sites.
The focus of North Korea will now be more on improving the economy according to top officials in the North Korean government.
There is a meeting scheduled between North Korea’s Kim Jung Un and South Korean president Moon Jaen a border truce village for a summit to solve the nuclear standoff with North.
North Korea will leave no stone unturned in making truce with its neighbor’s to create peaceful relations and will also create an optimal international environment to focus on economic growth.
A meeting has been scheduled in May-June this year between US President Trump and North Korea’s Un. The party’s central committee made the decision and said that there should be more focus on economic growth and holistic development.
This decision was seen as a great victory for the Korean Worker’s party and they wanted to shift gears to propel economic and social development.
The Party called for concentrate efforts on improving the standard of living in the country and build a strong socialist economy as a part of a resolution which was adopted unanimously.
The party’s resolution said,“To secure transparency on the suspension of nuclear tests, we will close the republic’s northern nuclear test site”.
Kim was quoted as saying during the meeting: “Nuclear development has proceeded scientifically and in due order and the development of the delivery strike means also proceeded scientifically and verified the completion of nuclear weapons.
“We no longer need any nuclear test or test launches of intermediate and intercontinental range ballistic missiles and because of this the northern nuclear test site has finished its mission.”
The sudden North Korean diplomatic outreach came after many nuclear tests with missiles capable of targeting mainland USA.
Kim is being seen by some analysts as entering the negotiations on a strong footing, having established North Koreas Nuclear power in November.
Kim is in the effort to save his broken economy from heavy sanctions and restrictions according to South Korean and US officials. They also stated that Kim is showing genuine interest in Denuclearization.