PM Kisan’s 8th installment waiting to end PM Kisan’s 8th installment waiting to end There is great news for crores of farmers of the country. PM Narendra Modi can release the 8th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme this time too. On 14 May, he can announce it once again through the farmers. His program can be viewed at pmindiawebcast.nic.in. According to the Agriculture Ministry, the date for the 8th installment of PM Kisan (PM Kisan 8th installment) has been fixed. PM Modi will hold talks with farmers on May 14 at 11 am. After this, PM Kisan will release the next installment of Yojana.
Earlier the news came that the state governments have signed the Rft (Request For Transfer) and the central government has generated the Fto (Fund Transfer Order). Rft Signed by State For 8th Installment States is written in the farmers’ account. On PMkisan.gov.in, you can login to your account and check the details.
Check name like this
Login to PMkisan.gov.in.
‘Farmers Corner’ will be available.
‘Beneficiary List’ option will be available in ‘Farmers Corner’.
Click on ‘Beneficiary List’ option.
On this page, select the state, district, sub-district, block from the drop down list. Choose a village.
Now click on Get Report. Now the complete list of beneficiaries of this scheme will come.
This list is in alphabetical order. This list is of several pages. In this, you can see your name by changing the page from below.
Loan on PM Kisan
Registered farmers get another facility under PM Kisan. The Modi government also loans them at a cheaper rate. This loan is available on the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to be allocated under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Yojana. The government had directed to include every farmer in this scheme last year.
Loan on Kisan Credit Card
Banks and other financial institutions have then linked the KCC scheme to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PMSYM) for farmers taking loans. Due to this farmers are getting KCC loan on easy installments and less interest. If you have not taken advantage of this service, you can take it.
Kisan Credit Card
KCC form is given on PMkisan.gov.in. It has instructions that banks can loan only by taking 3 documents. To make KCC, Aadhaar card, Pan and photo will be installed. Also, an affidavit has to be given, stating that you have not taken a loan from any other bank. As of February 2020, there were approximately 6.67 crore active KCC accounts.
Banks give Kisan Credit card
Farmers who want to build KCC under PM kisan are applying to Cooperative Bank, Regional Rural Bank, National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), State Bank of India (SBI), Bank of India and Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) Can.
PM Kisan Yojana
The Modi government has planned to help the small and marginal farmers by Rs 6000 a year. This assistance is provided to the farmers in 3 installments of Rs. 2000. Under DBT, this amount is directly transferred to the account. Under PM Kisan, the first installment of 2000 rupees is released between April 1 to July 31, the second installment from August 1 to November 30 and the third installment from December 1 to March 31. Its update has been given on the PM Kisan website.
December installment
According to the data, on 25 December 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi transferred 18000 crore rupees to the account of 9 crore farmers. Farmers can get the latest updates on the help line number 155261 / 011-24300606, 011-23381092.