Existence has provided us with so much of abundance that the only response can be of gratitude…..existence does everything to assist the evolution of your consciousness…
As Stephen Covey puts it…. “we are not humans beings on a spiritual journey….we are spiritual beings on a human journey..”
Prayer means you are in a state of surrender and gratitude…prayer means you appreciate this great human opportunity….prayer is a gratitude….
When you pray don’t ask for or seek something…just have gratitude in your heart and surrender to God’s will…the one who surrenders totally gains totally
Prayer should not be a ritual….it should be your lifestyle…prayer is a way of life….it has to instill in every part of your life…prayer is an attitude…
Become innocent and egoless before existence….you are speaking to the source…it can read every iota of your being…you can’t hide anything from existence…it is in your very soul…your very heart…
Give away yourself…and stride towards the path of enlightenment…prayer will be your constant companion….it will connect you with the source…it will make you into a passage ….a medium for the divine…
Live a life of prayerfulness….your life will become a sacred phenomenon….prayer is alchemical…it will transform your consciousness….go deep into prayer….dive deep into your being….and happiness will be at your door steps…
Being prayerful means you have great reverence and gratitude for the abundance that nature has blessed you with…prayer means that you are constantly appreciating and valuing life as which is a miracle…prayer means you are ready to become a nobody…surrender totally and completely…
“Everything is yours …nothing is mine…at your feet I find the door way to the divine”
This is the attitude of surrender…of prayerfulness…where you give up and surrender totally at the feet of the divine….and in this game the losers are the greatest winners…
Live by love…express compassion…surrender your ego….and connect with the source….and then the heavens will rain flowers and your life will emanate the fragrance of bliss….the fragrance of awakening….
Pray today…be in prayer forever….go deep into it….lose yourself in it…and the doors to eternity will open up you will walk on divine soil…you will become one with the whole…