Nowadays due to the increasing height of buildings and the arrival of technology in the hands of children, it has become very difficult for them to reach the sun. Sunshine vitamin D is the best source of a lack of vitamin D, such as coming across as a big problem.

Its symptoms are not quickly understood but due to this, many problems may occur later. According to a new study, the lack of vitamin D can lead to aggressive behavior of youth.
Researchers at the University of Michigan claim that they have added a connection to vitamin D deficiency in children and aggression in youth. According to their study, most children in Colombia who had low vitamin D grew up and became more aggressive.
Senior author Eduardo of the study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, said that vitamin D deficiency subsequently leads to depression and schizophrenia. The researchers also admitted that there were some limitations in their study but they trust their results. He believes that more studies need to be done in places where people are lacking vitamin D.