While the governments of the European Union, the US and China are trying to increase production, on the other hand, Samsung says that due to lack of semi-conductors, it may delay in launching its next Galaxy Note smartphone in the market.
A senior Samsung official said in a shareholders’ meeting that “there is a serious imbalance in chip demand and supply in the IT sector around the world.”
It is very difficult to say that the issue of chip shortage has been solved 100 percent. ”
He said that Samsung is working closely with its foreign partners to meet the demand for the chip.
Last year, with the rise of the Corona epidemic, the decrease in semi-conductors began and the huge drop in sales caused car makers to place fewer orders to Chinese chip-making factories.
Disturbance demand and supply
The result of this was that chip supplies from factories in China started being supplied to other sectors with high demand. Then when the demand for cars increased, the car makers could not restore their canceled orders. Because of this, companies like Honda, Toyota and General Motors had to cut their production.
During this period, there was a boom in technology sales where people were not getting out of homes, it affected other sectors as well. New graphic cards became scarce,
Apple released a few new iPhones and new models of Play Station consoles were sold in the market.
Counterpoint research partner Peter Richardson says that “semi-conductor manufacturers are putting great emphasis to meet the supply gap,
but it will take time to see the impact.” This means that the shortage of some products will continue for several months, which can continue till 2022. ‘
A senior Samsung official indicates that the new Galaxy smartphones will probably only be available in the year 2022.
Experts believe that the growing business tensions between the US and China had made the semi-conductor industry difficult even before the Corona crisis.