10 metropolitan cities including Bengaluru and Cape Town are fast moving towards ‘Day Zero’- a situation where taps start running dry.
Down To Earth, a magazine published by green think-tank Center for Science and Environment stated in an analysis ahead of World Water Day which is being observed on 22nd March 2018.
Sunita Narain, director general of CSE said that be it Cape Town, Bengaluru or Chennai, there is a common factor between them that they are all facing the same problem of water shortage. She also said that the important question was whether these cities could create and move towards a common future which is water secure and water abundant.
An analysis was conducted and the findings of several global studies on water uses and availability of resource noted 36% of cities across the world will face a water crisis by 2050 while the urban water demand will grow by 80% from the present by 2050, said the report
The urban population facing water shortage is somewhere about 400 million and is expected to go up by an alarming one billion by 2050
According to experts, Bengaluru is on the tipping point of an acute water crisis and the city’s water table has shrunk substantially in the past two decades. The city could become the first Indian city to run out of water unless the crisis is urgently addressed
Pune needs an institutional approach, rather than an individual one to preserve its water tables. According to Convener of Jal Biradari, Pune, Sunil Joshi, there is no mechanism for groundwater recharge. He also said that the time has come to identify problems and make communities responsible
As the world grapples with the water crisis, the UN has warned that around 5.7 billion people may run short of drinking water by 2050.
The 8th World Water Forum is presently being held in Brazil, bringing together 15 heads of state and government and dozens of experts. The attendance at the event was around 40,000.
The World is coming together and brainstorming as to how to tackle this imminent future challenge. Some experts even suggest that we might run out of water before we run out of oil.