SSC GD Constable Admit Card If you have applied for the SSC GD Constable Recruitment exam and waiting for the admit card to be issued then this news is for you. Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has issued a notice regarding the issuance of admit cards for the written examination to be conducted for recruitment to a total of 25271 posts of Constable (General Duty) and Rifleman in Assam Rifles in various forces. According to the notice issued by the Commission on Monday, 25 October 2021, no request for appearing in the examination will be entertained from the candidates whose applications have been rejected due to various reasons.
SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2021 will not be issued due to these reasons
SSC has given its notice detailing all the reasons why some candidates will not be allowed to appear in the written test i.e. SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2021 will not be issued to these candidates. All the reasons are as follows:-
- The candidates who have not uploaded the photograph with the date of photograph below their photograph at the time of applying or the date of photograph is not as per the stipulated date or have entered invalid date.
- Candidates whose application form is incomplete.
However, the Commission has reserved the option of giving one more chance to all such candidates whose application is rejected for any reason other than the above two reasons. According to the notice of the commission, if any candidates feel that their application has been filled as per the examination release, then such candidates can contact the commission by sending their details as asked by the commission through email. Candidates will have to email their registration number, name of the candidate, date of birth, name of the first examination city selected by the candidate and the reason for rejection of application.