Mountain Worm

A new type of disease has spread these days in Delhi. Doctors have named it scrub typhus. It is an infection caused by the bite of a special type of insect found in the mountains. Its bite creates a special mark on the body. If this infection is not identified in time, it directly affects the lungs, which increases the risk of failure of many parts of the body. This can be fatal. A woman has died in Ghaziabad due to its grip.

Mountain Worm
Mountain Worm

These days there has been a sudden increase in the number of patients with scrub typhus in hospitals. More than a dozen patients have reached the Gangaram Hospital. Some of them are admitted in ICU.

Max’s doctor Rommel Kittu said that the patient’s IGM test is usually done to identify scrub typhus. Antibiotics exist as a treatment for this.

Symptoms like dengue may include symptoms of breathing, headache, dry cough in addition to fever. Similar symptoms of dengue, viral fever or chikungunya also occur.


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