Everyone wants to stay young and we all are trying to search for the secret to be young forever. Though we all have this desire but one day we will all be old and weak.
Although the body ages the mind can stay young. By having a proper diet and exercising mental restraint we can easily stay young for a longer period of time.
Zen Monks are known to live way beyond the 100 years mark and everybody wants to know their secret of health and vitality.
In order to help us stay on the path to health, I have translated an extract from one of the Shaolin Classics. Written by a monk who was a great martial artist and scholar, here he gives advice to lay people as to how to stay young and healthy.
Stay young forever:
- Don’t think too much. Thinking takes energy. Thinking can make you look old.
Too much thinking only causes stress. Thus thinking less and only when required is great for the brain and also brings health and vitality.
- Don’t talk too much. Most people either talk or do. Better to do.
People have become obsessed with talking. The more you talk the more energy you waste and thus to have restraint in talking goes a great way in conserving your energies and maintaining vitality.
- When you work, work for 40 minutes then stop for 10 minutes. When you look at something all the time, it can damage your eyes and also your internal organs and peace.
Also, take breaks at regular intervals. This will help you enjoy your work and also remain stress-free.
- When you are happy, you need to control your happiness, if you lose control then you damage your lung energy.
Don’t get carried away while excited or happy. Be calm and composed and choose the middle path.
- Don’t worry too much or get angry because this damages your liver and your intestines.
Don’t worry, life simple and live happy. Worrying brings nothing and solves nothing. Be optimistic and all will be well
- When you eat food don’t eat too much, always make sure you are not quite full as this can damage your spleen. When you feel a bit hungry then eat a little.
Obesity has become an epidemic in many countries. It is important to eat a healthy diet but retrain from over-eating or eating junk food. This destroys your entire system.
- When you do things, take your time, don’t hurry too much.
Be patient and persevere. Enjoy your work and life. Go with the flow and you will be happy and healthy forever.