The origin of 3D printing technology dates back to 1986. It was then that an American engineer by the name of Chuck Hull created a prototype for the process of stereolithography.
Hull is often referred to as the father of 3D printing. But since then 3D printing has come a long way and is almost ready to impact our lives in astonishing and amazing ways.
Lets look at some applications of 3D printing and how they will impact our lives:
- Porsche is printing parts for Vintage cars
Porsche Classic division has recently started using this technology to 3D-print obscure parts for its vintage cars.
They say it is cost effective and easier. As these parts are needed in limited quantities, it would be very expensive to custom build these parts through standard manufacturing. Thus 3D printing is the solution they have come up with to preserve and protect Vintage cars and keep them on the roads.
- Youbionic is printing prosthetics
Youbionics Scientists and engineers are working on capability enhancers like robotic prosthetic legs and arms which can be controlled through the brain and provide sensory feedback. 3D printing technology plays a crucial role in turning this dream into reality.
Youbionics has introduced a 3D printed 2 handed prosthetic controllable through flex sensors on the operators fingers. Although the project is at a nascent stage, but it holds great promise for the future.
- BIOLIFE4D is trying to print a human heart
Soon human organs could be 3D printed and BIOLIFE4D is working on making this dream into reality.
They are in the R&D stages for now and are also planning to open a lab in Chicago dedicated to this endeavor. 3D organ transplants will revolutionize the medical professional, thus simplifying the complexities for arranging for a donor.
In their endeavor BIOLIFE4D plans to use the patient’s own cells, in what is called Bioink, to produce a patient specific, fully functional heart.
3D printing is surely the future and we should get ready to embrace it in our daily personal and professional lives.