An Irish woman suddenly rips through the crowd and shoots Benito Mussolini, one of the most maligned dictators of the 20th century.
Mussolini survives in his attempt to murder, but a bullet escapes touching his nose. In history, this story of Violet Gibsonka has been almost forgotten in many personal accounts of the struggle against fascism in Europe.
Day – 7 April, Year – 1926. Place – Rome, the capital of Italy.
Among the four men who attempted to kill Mussolini, Violet was the closest to her objective. Now, after a century of that incident, the effort to put a plank on his name in Dublin, Ireland has intensified.
After Mussolini was in power for three years, Violet tried to kill him. At that time Mussolini was addressing a gathering. Violet fired three bullets at him one after the other. After this, his gun was stuck. Mussolini’s supporters present there caught him and started killing him. When the police intervened and arrested them, they could be saved somewhere.
Mentally ill kept in hospital
Violet was kept in a prison in Italy for a few days. After this, he was sent to England. It is feared that this was done to avoid the embarrassment of hearing this matter publicly.
He was later kept at St. Andrew’s Hospital. She lived here till the day of her death in 1956. It was a hospital for the mentally ill.
A few days after the assassination attempt failed, the chairman of the Irish Free State Executive Council, W.T. Cosgrave wrote a letter to Mussolini and congratulated him on surviving the attack.
Violet Gibson, an Anglo-Irish baron Ashbourne was the daughter of Edward Gibson. He used to be Lord Chancellor of Ireland. He was the first Chancellor to hold the title of Baron Ashbourne. The office of Lord Chancellor was the highest legal office in the country at that time.
The Council of Dublin City has now allowed the installation of a violet Gibson name in the city .
Granting this, it has been said that “a person committed to fighting against the fascists must be brought to the notice of the people and they must be confirmed to a certain place in the history of Ireland”.