Humans keep searching for happiness and satisfaction in things…..a big house or a fast car….or a good looking life partner or that latest gadget….but the matter of fact is that things cannot give us satisfaction….they can give us comfort and security but not happiness…
With more and more people becoming affluent and achieving their financial and professional goals people are now realizing that happiness cannot be bought….it can only be experienced….people are searching for a way out….they are trying to understand the meaning of life…
The only way out is in….there is nothing out there out there …..you experience everything within yourself…and joy, bliss, and happiness can be found only within…
You will find that by giving, sharing, contributing and facilitating you truly feel happy….the more we give off ourselves the happier we become…..give without expectations and you will find happiness…
You have to dive deep within yourself to find yourself…you have to become more aware and alert and tune into abundance….
Just look at the roses…they flower not for you or anybody else….the flower because they have joy within and that joy is exploding out into fragrance, color and bliss….be like a flower….give off yourself…..finish off with yourself….and live for others…become a contributor not an accumulator and experience life in all different dimensions…because the more you experience life the greater will be the depth of your understanding…and enrichment…the greater will be your joy…!!
Go in within….it is there that you will find happiness…become egoless and understand that society and the mind are fooling you into believing that you are a separate entity who has to get the best deal for yourself…you are not the body-mind system…you are the essence which is behind the appearance…and once you realize this there will be no hurt no pain….but only bliss…only bliss…!!
The treasure is inside….you can keep looking for and searching for it outside but you will never find it there….life is a journey back home and only when you return to the source and you realize your true identity is when your life flowers into thousand different directions and your fragrance enlightens the entire universe…