Not all of them had reached the academic standards of today, but still, due to their talent in the field of art or science, their genius made a name in history.
Even the most talented people of today, such as Bill Gates, Bob Dylan or Oprah Winfrey – missed school in the middle of their studies but still have achieved success in their respective fields.
Dr. Craig Wright, Professor in American Musicology, says, “IQ and academic notes are highly valued.”
Doctor Craig Wright has spent more than two decades studying history and present-day talented people.
He has recently published a book, ‘The Hidden Habits of Genius: Beyond Talent, IQ, and Grit-Unlocking the Secrets of Greatness’. In this book, he has told about 14 such symptoms which are similar in talented people.
Definition of genius
The definition of genius i.e. genius varies according to different people.
But, if you ask Doctor Wright, he says, “A genius is a man with extraordinary mental powers, whose basic creations or concepts change in some important way to make society better and worse in all cultures and times.”
He has also created a formula for genius, which is – G = SxNxD.
This means that the genius is equal (=), how important the effect or change is (multiplication). How many people have been affected (multiplied) by the duration of the effect.
In other words, genius means for Doctor Wright, which should have maximum impact on people as much as possible and for the longest time.
While teaching a ‘Genius course’ at Yale University for years, Wright has observed that many students disagree whether pop singer Lady Gaga is a contemporary example of genius or not the most Olympic medalist athlete in history.
I think this is a limited definition. I would call it ‘power to be genius’, because it has the potential to be genius, but it is not yet genius.
The academics who wrote this definition say that what you need to do to be a genius is to use your mind for the basic idea. In which the creator also has to keep his thoughts to himself.
However, there can be a dispute over keeping your views till date. For this I would like to remind the picture of Albert Einstein in which he was alone on an island.
While there, he came to know that E = mc². He was able to think on general relativity and other things there. But, if they had not told their views to anyone, would we have known about Albert Einstein?
According to the definition of academics, Einstein would still have been genius but not according to my definition because then his idea would not have had any effect on anyone.
This is something that gives rise to a kind of philosophical debate.
Which do you think is not the right way to define genius?
As I mentioned in my book, IQ is highly valued.
Standardized intelligence tests are methods of measuring a particular ability that is mostly genetic.
By studying these great people for centuries, you can see that they were intelligent, but not necessarily got the highest results in the IQ test – 140 or 150.
This means that you just need a higher than average IQ to be a part of the game.
But, then many other factors and motivations work that lead someone to become great and change the world.
What should people do to raise a genius child or make it a genius?
I think the most important thing is effort, but what else is needed to work hard?
Truly, effort is not an engine in itself but it is an external expression of other intrinsic motivations.
Passion is an engine that comes out as hard work and it can range from love for something to its whims.
So I would say that it is important to encourage passion.
Another thing I have noticed about these great minds is that they were scholars, they were aware of different fields.
So what kind of person are you: who travels a thousand miles or descends a thousand miles?
Most such people see different things together because they have many types of experiences. They can see things by adding different things that others cannot.
So while raising children, it is important to get them exposed to different experiences. If they like science, they can encourage them to read novels; If he is interested in politics, he can also be taught to paint.
Parents who ask their children to focus on one task to become the best Olympic swimmer or the next Nobel Prize winner in Physics are misunderstood.
When we do not have different experiences, we will not be able to understand what our passion is.
14 habits or symptoms of talented people according to Doctor Craig Wright
1. Work Policy
2. Flexibility
3. Originality
4. Imagine like a child
5. Extreme curiosity
6. Passion
7. Creative Chaos
8. Rebellion
9. Cross-border Thinking
10. Opposite work or opposite thinking
11. Preparation
12. Craze
13. SAG
14. Concentration