Dr. Subodh Singh, A plastic surges perform 37000 Surgeries at free cost to make a smile on kids faces. Yes he perform free surgeries for kids. But the story of the surges behind these surgeries is really interesting.
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Dr. Subodh was meritorious student, and he lost his father in 1979 due to inadequate medical treatment. The whole responsibility fell on Dr. Subodh and his elder brother. He started odd jobs to save his family lives. He started selling homemade soaps and his elder brother started working in Railways.
Subodh is well known for his project “Smile Train Project” worldwide to perform 37000 cleft lip surgeries to bring the happiness of 25,000 families.
Cleft palate is a common birth Situation, and its Symptoms shows from the opening in the mouth, causing difficulty in speaking and eating. Subodh says “In every cleft child who has come to me, I have visualized that little Subodh, who lost his father when he was only 13. My father Gyan Singh, and mother, Giriraj Kumari taught me to serve the poor and live ethically. I feel God made me a plastic surgeon and not a businessman to serve a divine cause,” .