UGC has issued new guidelines for the new academic session regarding fee refund, students will be able to withdraw the deposited fee till December 31. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has given a big relief to the students preparing for admission in higher educational institutions. Under this, if he gets admission in a university or college of his choice, he will be able to cancel his admission taken in any institution earlier.
Along with this, the fees deposited in the institute can also be withdrawn. However, they have to apply for this. If this application is made by 31 October 2022 then he will get the full fee back. It is believed that soon AICTE will also issue instructions to engineering colleges in this regard. UGC has issued a new guideline regarding the refund of fees in the academic session 2022-23.
Along with this, instructions have been given to the universities and higher educational institutions to strictly implement this. Under the guideline, students will be able to apply for the refund of fees till December 31, 2022. However, during this time, one thousand rupees in their fees will be returned after deducting the processing charge. UGC’s most focus during this period is towards private universities and higher educational institutions. Those who often refuse to refund the fees deposited by the students or harass the students. UGC says that parents are already financially troubled due to Corona crisis. In such a situation, it is not right to put any burden on them.
University Grants Commission
The special thing is that even during the Corona crisis, the UGC had issued a similar guideline regarding the refund of fees. Along with this, after complaints received from students and parents, the UGC has directed all universities and higher educational institutions to refund the hostel and mess fees collected from students during the Corona period last year or it should be done in the next session. be adjusted. The students complained that when the hostels were closed due to the Corona crisis and they did not stay in them for a single day, then the fees should be refunded.
It is worth noting that in the rush to get admission in universities and higher educational institutions, students reserve their seats in whichever institution they get admission first. However, as soon as he gets a chance to take admission in any other college of his choice, he takes admission in them. Due to this their fees get stuck in those institutions. who have trouble returning. This problem is rarely seen in private higher educational institutions.