consider Bengal Law
Car accident lawyers are trained legal professionals who help accident victims build their personal injury cases. They also help injury victims seek damages lost in accidents through in-depth legal knowledge and negotiation skills. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you should consider Bengal Law as your lead car accident attorney.
However, before hiring a car accident lawyer, you may ask what a lawyer can do for you. You may also wonder how having a lawyer can affect your injury case. Find below the role of a car accident lawyer in your case.
What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do For You?
Car accident lawyers have one main goal – to help you recover the losses suffered in an accident. Depending on the severity, your car accident lawyer may be able to recover damages like medical bills, permanent disability, vehicle repair or replacement, lost wages, loss of earning ability, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium.
Please note that the extent of damages recovered will depend on the losses suffered. But outside recovering your losses, working with a car accident lawyer has other benefits. They include;
Car Accident Lawyers Help You Understand Your Rights
A large percentage of accident victims are not familiar with personal injury laws or how they affect them. A car accident lawyer can help you understand how the law applies to you and how to protect your rights and interests.
For example, your personal injury lawyer can help you understand whether you’re in an at-fault or a no-fault state. They can also help you understand who the at-fault party is and how faults are shared in your case.
Your car accident lawyer can also review all relevant information about your case, including the common errors you’re likely to make and how to avoid them.
Having a car accident lawyer in your corner can also clarify your case regarding the statute of limitations and whether you have an injury claim to file.
Car Accident Lawyers Offer Legal Advice
One of the biggest differences between you and a car accident lawyer is the experience, expertise, and subject matter knowledge. Your car accident lawyer has more experience dealing with such cases than you have. They can combine their legal knowledge with experience gathered over the years to advise you on the best strategy to protect yourself and your interest.
Your accident lawyer can also provide legal advice on whether or not to accept a settlement offer, how to interact with insurance adjusters, and how to negotiate a favorable settlement for your injuries.
You stand a better chance of claiming a higher settlement amount when you follow your accident lawyer’s advice closely.
Car Accident Lawyers Help Negotiate Fair Settlements
A huge percentage of personal injury cases end at the negotiation table. Negotiations are a great option for both injury victims and insurance companies because they are fast and fair. However, insurance companies will not readily offer you what you’ve demanded in damages.
Your car accident lawyer can, however, negotiate higher based on the estimated damages you have suffered from the accident. Your accident lawyer can also advise you on whether to accept or reject certain negotiated offers.
To ensure accurate negotiations, your car accident lawyer will;
- Investigate the details and facts of your accident.
- Collect relevant information and evidence to prove fault. This can include police reports, medical reports, witness statements, video footage of the accident, and more.
- Build a personal injury claim with an estimate of your losses, including medical costs, property damage, and other non-economic damages like pain and suffering.
- Send a demand letter and enter negotiation with the insurance company for a fair settlement amount.
Your car accident lawyer may also advise you to reject offers below your case’s worth. In such instances, the lawyer will advise you on taking the case to trial to recoup a larger sum for your damages.
Car Accident Lawyers Represent Clients in Court
Not all personal injury claims are settled at the negotiation table. Sometimes, negotiations may end in a deadlock because the injury victim is demanding more than the insurance company is offering. Such deadlocks can lead to trial proceedings.
Trial proceedings are initiated when an accident victim takes their case to court to demand a fair settlement for the damages suffered. This process can be fairly lengthy, however, it gives the accident victim a chance to demand a higher amount.
Trial proceedings are like every other court case. The jury and judge are in charge of determining whether the victim deserves to be compensated and how much. Such cases can go either way. If denied, the accident victim may launch an appeal to revisit the case and review the judgment.