According to reports, YouTuber Abhishek Malhan has been admitted to the hospital. The Bigg Boss OTT 2 finalist was sick and is most likely not going to perform at the Monday night finale episode.

The previous several days have seen news stories on Abhishek Malhan's health. he was frequently seen with Manisha Rani that she is massaging her head during in the episodes.

According to recent reports, his condition has gotten worse and he has been admitted to the hospital. Social media user Abhishek Malhan's sister tweeted.

Prerna, Fukra's sister, is another well-known YouTuber. He recently posted this information on social media. Just learned that Abhishek is quite ill and most likely hospitalised, she tweeted.

As a result, he won't be able to entertain you all tonight. He has kept us entertained all season long. Let's pray for a quick recovery for him, as finale is aslo approaching.

He was also absent from Saturday's live show, and when he returned, he had a drip on his hand. He then completed the task and returned to the medical room.

His mother has reportedly arrived in Mumbai as well. She actually came to cheer up her son in the finale, but what did she know that her son will be admitted to the hospital.