Himanshi Khurana announced her split from Asim Riaz in a formal statement posted on X and Instagram also. Within the Bigg Boss 13 house journey, they fell in love.

She disclosed that "different religious beliefs" are the cause of their breakup. After she entered the Bigg Boss 13 house as a wild card candidate, the two got together and began dating.

"YES, We are not together anymore. All the time we have spent together has been great but our togetherness comes to an end now," she wrote in an official statement that she also shared on X account.

We had a wonderful relationship and are now progressing in our lives. We are sacrificing our love for our disparate religious convictions, with all due respect to our various religions. She stated

Himanshi disclosed that she has been dating Chow for the last nine years throughout her time on Bigg Boss. She confirmed her breakup with Chow shortly after leaving the reality show.

She started dating her Bigg Boss 13 co-contestant Asim Riaz in 2020 after he revealed his affections for her.