On Friday, March 15, Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda tied the knot in a small-scale ceremony in Gurgaon. There were close relatives and friends present for the wedding ceremony.
The couple officially announced their union on social media on March 16, 2024. On Instagram, they posted their first photos together as a married couple.
Kriti looked stunning in a pink lehenga for their wedding, while Pulkit wore a mint green sherwani. On Pulkit's sherwani some ritual quotes were written.
The pair posted remarkably identical photos from their love vacation earlier on Valentine's Day, but what really thrilled their admirers about their impending union.
On the sets of "Pagalpanti," Kriti and Pulkit's love story took root, and their relationship has only been better since. 'Veerey Ki Wedding' and 'Taish' are among their on-screen pairings.