According to Noida Police, they raids in three states, including Maharashtra, in an attempt to locate BB OTT-2 winner Elvish Yadav, who is suspected of distributing snake venom to rave parties.

It was unexpected that Kota Police managed to apprehend and free Elvish, considering Noida Police had not listed him as wanted. In this context, Noida Police has not commented.

Elvish has not yet contacted Noida Police, but he has made a video in which he declares his innocence in the wake of the incident. However, even though Elvish Yadav's name isn't on it

In connection with the smuggling of snakes and snake venom for rave events, Noida Police had detained five individuals. In this case, Elvish Yadav was also named as an accused.

According to police sources, Elvish is not being directly arrested by the police because there isn't any hard proof against him. A legal opinion is being sought as well.

Elvish videos have reportedly appeared from online media, according to sources. He can be seen recording videos in these while holding and wearing snakes around his neck.