Everyone just love to use Instagram, but there should be some safety measures taken by every single person. Let's discuss these

The basic idea behind two-factor authentication is that a user must have both a phone and their username and password in order to access their Instagram account.

Put two-factor authentication to use.

An Instagram user will have a profile that is available to everyone on the platform; however, if they wish to restrict who may access their posts, they can convert to a private account.

Private Account

If users don't want to view a certain type of content in their feed, Instagram also lets users block individual accounts.

Account blocking

Users can also add words, phrases, and emoji names to a list. Your account, including comments and postings, will not include the list of these words and phrases.

Certain phrases and words

Users must always choose strong passwords for their Instagram accounts, which should be made up of a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Choose a strong password

Instagram has established a set of community guidelines that determine whether all content on the network is legal or illegal.

Report any cases of abuse and suspicious content

Users can simply swipe left on the comment and hit the "trash" icon if they encounter one they don't want to see.

Delete any irrelevant remarks

Users must keep in mind that they should never divulge their credentials to other users or any third-party applications.

Keep your passwords to yourself