Certain meals can have a negative effect on your health when you have a cold or cough. Here are some meals to stay away from when you're sick.

Dairy Products

When you have a cold, stay away from dairy products like curd, cheese, butter, and milk since they create more mucus to produce, which makes breathing difficult.

Fruit Juices

Lemon, apple, orange, and grape juice, as well as other fruit juices with a high sugar content, can impair the generation of white blood cells and lower immunity.

Fried Foods

Fried foods have more fat and cause more mucus to be produced. They exacerbate inflammation and impair your immune system.


Caffeine should be avoided when suffering from a cough or cold since it might make breathing difficult and dry up the cough.

Spicy Foods

Spicy meals might make you produce more mucus, which can make your nose run. They should therefore be avoided when you have a cold or a cough.