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Usain Bolt said on Wednesday that more than $12.7 million is missing from his account with a private investment company in Jamaica and that authorities are looking into it.

Black Section Separator

The Associated Press received a copy of a letter issued to Stocks & Securities Limited requesting the money's return from attorney Linton P. Gordon.

Black Section Separator

Gordon claimed that Bolt's account formerly showed a balance of $12.8 million but now only shows a balance of $12,000.

Black Section Separator

Bolt's attorneys write in the letter, "If this is correct, which we hope it is not, then a severe crime of fraud, larceny, or a combination of both have been done against our client.

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In the event that the money is not returned within 10 days, they threaten disciplinary and criminal action and will take legal action.

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A request for comment from Stocks & Securities Limited was not quickly fulfilled. The business requested that customers issue have arisen to the Services Commission, which is looking into the firm.