Police in Mumbai claimed on Wednesday that 14 people had been arrested after a raid at a hookah parlor, including stand-up comedian and reality TV sensation Munawar Faruqui.

Police claim that the hookah parlor in the Fort region of the city was operating illegally. During the Tuesday raid, ₹ 13,500 worth of hookah pots and ₹ 4,400 in cash were taken.

Under certain provisions of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, a case has been filed. There, the cops are still searching the area.

After receiving notices, Faruqui and others were permitted to depart. A few years ago, the 32-year-old reality TV personality rose to fame on YouTube as a stand-up comedian and rapper.

He first gained notoriety in 2021 when, following accusations of offending religious feelings, he was jailed for a month after making comments about Hindu deities at a stand-up performance.

After receiving threats from right-wing organizations, the comic cancelled 12 of his concerts in less than two months, causing anger and leading him to declare he would give up comedy.