The Bandipur Tiger Reserve in Karnataka hosted Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a "safari" on Sunday as part of events commemorating the 50th anniversary of "Project Tiger."
The Mudumalai Tiger Reserve is split between the Chamarajanagar district's Gundlupet taluk and the Mysuru district's H.D.Kote and Nanjangud taluks.
The majority of the forest areas of the previous Venugopala Wildlife Park, which was created in response to a government notification, were included in the creation of the national park.
The central government's commitment to tiger protection is demonstrated by PM Modi's visit to the Tiger Reserve. 912.04 square km are currently under the management of the Bandipur Tiger Reserve.
In 1973, this reserve was included in "Project Tiger." Later, more nearby reserve forest lands were included in the reserve, increasing its size to 880.02 square kilometres.
A well-known trait of Prime Minister Modi is his passion for wildlife. He can be seen taking pictures of Cheetahs released into Kuno National Park in this 2022 image.
In this image from 2016, Prime Minister Modi is seen photographing a caged Tiger at Naya Raipur's Nandan Van Jungle Safari.