The creator of Microsoft, Bill Gates, is featured in a viral video. In the video, billionaire Gates can be seen baking Indian bread.

With famous chef Eaton Bernath, Bill Gates was spotted preparing roti in the Bihari manner. In fact, Eaton just got back from Bihar, where he picked up the skill.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi applauded the chef when he posted the footage of Bill Gates preparing roti on his Instagram account.

PM Modi commented on a screenshot of Gates' Instagram video, "Brilliant, you have prepared very nice bread," in the caption.

Additionally, the PM advised Bill Gates to prepare a dish using millets. In addition to appreciating the PM, you want to practise creating millet meals.

The Prime Minister claimed that millet cuisine, which is also proven to keep people healthy, is currently a hot topic in India. Additionally, PM sent a cheerful emoji with it.

In the video, Bill Gates performed both the roti's cooking on the griddle as well as the kneading of the dough.