Since their leaves can bring colour and freshness to your interior, indoor plants are a great idea. To add some beauty to your room, consider keeping these lovely plants on your tabletops.

The little jade plant has sturdy, glossy leaves that make it a great tabletop plant. This succulent grows well indoors with very minimal watering.

Jade Plant

Beautiful purple-colored blossoms on a stunning flowering plant, lavender can lift the mood of any area. Its calming aroma can infuse your space with a sense of freshness.


The leaves of this succulent have unique points with white stripes. Their modest size and indoor growth make them ideal tabletop plants.

Zebra Haworthia Plant

Because it requires little upkeep, lucky bamboo is a great indoor plant for tabletop placement. Its verdant leaves and sturdy stem can liven up any space.

Lucky Bamboo Plant

With its colorful foliage that mimics trees, this plant is perfect for placing on tables and desks to add aesthetic appeal to your area.

Ficus Bonsai Plant