In order to keep your body from being dehydrated throughout the heat, it is imperative that you drink enough water. Here are five fruits that are high in water that you should eat to stay hydrated.

This fruit is low in calories and rich in water content, making it hydrating. Additionally, it has a lot of vitamins A and E, which improve skin health.


Due to their high water content, mangoes aid in the body's fluid replacement. Antioxidants, which they also contain, support stronger immunity.


This juicy fruit has a high water content, so it can keep you from being dehydrated. Additionally, it has vital minerals that improve general wellness.


This fruit, which is high in water content, keeps the body hydrated. It also contains a lot of vitamin C, which supports stronger immunity and healthy skin.


This fruit from the tropics that is high in water helps the body replace lost fluids. Pineapple has many benefits.
