01/6 Yoga asanas for weight loss
Contrary to popular belief, yoga not only helps to calm your mind and increase flexibility, performing this ancient Indian form of physical activity has several other proven health benefits, including weight loss. It is a common notion that yoga, being a low-impact exercise is not an ideal choice of physical activity when trying to shed kilos, which is completely incorrect. All you need to do is pick the right kind of exercises that can pump up your heart rate and help you sweat. Apart from that, you have to maintain a pace. Here are 5 common yoga asanas that you must include in your routine to speed up your heart rate and torch more calories in less time.
02/6 Surya Namaskar or Sun salutation
Step 1: Stand on your mat with your feet close to each other. Inhale, expand your chest and raise your arms from the side. While exhaling, join both your palms together (above your head) as if you are praying.
Step 2: Inhale, lift your arms and arch backwards. Your shoulders must be close to your ears.
Step 3: Exhale and bend forward from your torso and try to touch the floor with your hands.
Step 4: Exhale and take your left leg backwards and lunge down to bring your right knees close to your chest. Stretch your left leg backwards. Raise your head and look forward.
Step 5: Inhale and take your right leg back as well to come to plank pose. Both your hands should be under your shoulders and from head to toes you should be in a straight line.
Step 6: Exhale and slowly bring your knees down toward the floor. Rest your chin on the floor, but your hips should be in the air. Only your hands, knees, chin, and chest should be resting on the ground.
Step 7: Rest your body on the ground and place your palms beside your chest. Inhale and press onto the ground to lift your upper body off the ground.
Step 8: Exhale and gently lift your hips to come to an inverted ‘V’. Straighten your elbows and knees for that and look toward your navel.
Step 9: Bring your left foot forward and keep your right leg stretched behind you and look forward.
Step 10: Inhale and bring your left foot forward as well. Keeping the position of your hands intact, exhale and bend your torso to come to Hasta Padasana pose.
Step 11: Inhale and slowly stand up. Raise your arms above your head and join the palms. Arch a little backward.
Step 12: Exhale and stand straight in a relaxed manner. Lower the arms and hold your palms in front of your chest.
03/6 Phalakasana or Plank pose
Step 1: Lie flat on your stomach, then inhale and slowly lift your body from the mat by straightening your hands and tucking your toes under. Your arms should be perpendicular to the floor and shoulders directly over the wrists.
Step 2: Your body should form a straight line from head to heels.
Step 3: Pause for a few seconds in this position and take deep breaths. Slowly come back to the normal position.
04/6 Virabhadrasana 2 or Warrior 2
Step 1: Stand on the ground with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by your sides in a relaxed mode.
Step 2: Exhale and take a large step to your left (2 to 3 feet away from your right foot).
Step 3: Now turn your left toes outwards and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.
Step 4: Turn your right feet inwards by about 15 degrees. The heel of your right foot should be aligned to the centre of the left foot.
Step 5: Lift both your arms sideways. Bring it at the level of your shoulders. Your palms should face upwards. Take a few deep breaths in this position.
Step 6: Turn your head to your left and gently push your pelvis down as much as you can. Pause for a few seconds and then come back to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side.
05/6 Ardha Pincha Mayurasana or Dolphin Plank
Step 1: Start with coming to low pose plank with your forearms resting on the ground and toes tucked in.
Step 2: Your elbows should be directly under the shoulder and body in a straight line from head to toes.
Step 3: Lift your hips toward the ceiling to make an inverted V.
Step 4: Hold the pose for a while, then come back to the starting point.
06/6 Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff pose
Step 1: From plank position shift your body weight to come to push-up position.
Step 2: Bend your elbows back to lower your chest toward the floor.
Step 3. Lower your body until your shoulders are in line with your elbows or above the elbows.
Step 4: Do not let the shoulders dip toward the floor or come anywhere near to touching the floor. Hold this pose as long as you can.