Weight loss: To deal with constant hunger, it is important to differentiate between emotional hunger and actual hunger, and what you can do to deal with them.
Feeling hungry all the time? There can be several reasons behind it, including that you’re undereating or undernourished. Feeling hungry is an emotion that most people are scared of. But it should definitely not something to be afraid of, asserts celeb nutritionist Pooja Makhija. Hunger is a natural cue that your body gives you that your body has digested the previous meal, and is ready for the next meal. And sometimes, when you feel hungry immediately after a meal, it can be because of thirst as well.
Weight loss: How to deal with constant hunger
According to the Mumbai-based nutritionist, if you’re never hungry, it could probably be because you’re overeating.
On the other hand, if you’re always hunger, it could be because you are under eating and not properly nourished.
“Suppressing hunger causes you to eat large and lavish meals and this is what makes you gain weight. Large gaps equals large meals or wrong meals, which equals weight gain,” explains Makhija.
To prevent such unnecessary bouts of hunger, it is important to differentiate between actual hunger and emotional hunger. Actual hunger is when you feel low on energy. It is when your body is craving for food and nourishment. You should never starve yourself in the name of weight loss or any other goal. It can result in increased cravings and can even put you at risk of nutritional deficiencies.
Emotional hunger is one which you feel in times of stress or anxiety. It is when you resort to food for comfort that results in emotional eating. Feeling hungry shortly after having your meal could also be because of thirst or dehydration. Drink sufficient water or reach out for a glass of water before reaching out for food.
More details on the difference between actual hunger and emotional hunger, soon, says Makhija.